Wednesday, March 19, 2008

"A More Perfect Message"

"A More Perfect Message" my reaction to the speech of 3/18/08 in Philadelphia, PA.

Rarely does a Presidential candidate come along with the intelligence, foresight and courage of Senator Barack Obama. I have no doubt, GOD is at work here. This man is a change agent and is truly a man of his time. Barack Obama may not even be aware that he is on a mission beyond the political office his is seeking.

The speech he wrote and delivered in Philadelphia on march 18th, 2008 indicates in my opinion, he has however become aware that America is not ready. America is not ready for the "change" that candidate Obama has so eloquently campaigned for these past months. It is beyond America, because it is beyond the "sound bite". Senator Obama has delivered a message that puts the catalyst of change squarely on the "man/woman in the mirror". America is not ready. America is asleep...and has been asleep since the "Reagan Years". Obama and his clarion call of change toward "A More Perfect Union" is one I fear most Amercans would rather not heed. I imagine many of the pharmacuetical companies emailing their respective research and development departments mandating the development of an 'anti-obama" pill. A dose you can take at the onset of a willingness to look America in the eye and be honest about it's destiny and roll up your sleeves and work for change. I can hear the tagline now... "Do you feel anxious about the future of our nation...are you jittery and afraid of those who speak of change...we have a pill for that...."Obamanot". Taken once daily "Obamanot" can restore you to a dreamlike reality where you can go through your day assured that your government and corporate leadership have your best interest at heart regardless of what those liberals say..."

The media spin doctors now have all the ammunition they need to end his momentum and americans can change the channel and enjoy "March Madness" in peace. The race issue is just too much for americans to confront...the rebel flag still flys in South Carolina and Civil War re-enactors still get paid to pretend its 1861...and the only black and white issues americans love is "Leave It To Beaver"...and Wally just broke the alarm clock...America can now sleep for another four years. Goodnight John Boy.

Charles Brian Phoenix