Monday, September 14, 2009

DVD Night...

Looking for something juicy to add to your DVD night? Let's face it, since the bulk of what is released for major motion picture status is way to predictable and lame to pass for good art.. I try to find things on DVD that are interesting and thought provoking...and I recently found a gem.

"Five Fingers" starring Laurence Fishburne (producer) & Ryan Phillippe. Released in 2006 it is a timely critique of the 3 "T's" - torture, terrorists and toloration of differences. The film also brings into question who is the bad guy vs who we "think" is the good guy.

A very well written and well acted film it has the look and feel of a play with one main setting in which the characters and the situation grow more intense as opposed to more and more cinematic gimmicks. It is a thriller and you must stay till the very end to get it's full impact - but it is so well won't even think of picking up the remote.

The synopsis is this: A politically conscience young Dutch Jazz pianist named Martjin (Ryan Phillippe) leaves for Morocco to help start a Food Bank for Starving children, once he and his guide arrive they are kidnapped by a group of Muslims.To survive his ordeal Martjin must match wits with the brutal terrorist Ahmed (Laurence Fishburne) over a series of Chess Games...lose a game lose a....well watch and see.

I highly recommend Five Fingers...check...your move.

Brian Phoenix

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